If you want to raise investment in 2024
…you’re in the RIGHT place!

Some of the clients I’ve worked with in a 15+ year career


“Before I created this brand - I saw that Founders were really struggling with grabbing an investor's attention, they were constantly rejected.. or worse.. IGNORED!

I made it my goal to SPEAK to investors in my network personally and get the magic formula THEY define.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - with close guidance from investors and VC funds, I've finally reached a point where I can release this formula in one powerful PITCH DECK & INVESTOR CONNECT product.

By following this process my clients have been able to raise MILLIONS in funding as well as having powerful partners to offer the expertise, finance, connections and guidance they need to grow.”

David Pugh, founder of Scrub the Deck®

Results and Testimonials

Click on a thumbnail to hear what these lovely people have to say about the process and the results they got